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7 Home Improvement Resolutions You Can Keep

New Year Resolution Paper Lists

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It is time for a fresh start and changes for the better. In order to achieve this aim you need to start from the basics working your way up. And by basics we mean your home, so let’s talk about the 7 home improvement resolutions.

1. Keep It Clean

One of the best and absolutely free ways to improve your home is to keep it clean and tidy. Get rid of items which create suffocating clutter and take up unnecessary space around your household. Go through every room in your home and decide whether you wish to keep a certain item or not. If the objects you go through have no sentimental value or are you don’t use them, give or throw them away. Cleaning air conditioning filters keeps electricity usage low and you can easily do it with a vacuum cleaner.

2. Improvement Inspirations

Bedroom Decor Inspirations

Whether it’s just a cosmetic change of your property’s appearance or a more serious renovation project, you can always look for ideas. It is not necessary to fully copy a concept for the new look of your place, but to take the main design accents and develop your own project.

3. Plan Carefully

Home improvements are often costly and need to be carefully planned in order to achieve the desired result. January is the perfect time of the year to start looking for home upgrade ideas and plan bigger renovations. Regardless if you have the desired sum of money to completely change your home’s appearance or you need to stick to a tight refurbishment budget, you need to arrange every step of the home change project. Thus you’ll avoid as many hardships as possible.

4. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Many people think this step will completely change their lives and require major investments, but this concept is not quite true. Take baby steps and change your way of life little by little. Switch to energy-saving household appliances like those from . They’re specially designed to use as little energy as possible to function. If you can’t afford to buy a fridge straight away you can always settle on a leasing plan. If leasing payments are not convenient for you, you can always look for second hand kitchen appliances.

5. Make Your Home Safer

Home security should be your #1 priority. Regardless if it will involve a new security system, installation or fitting locks on doors and windows, this has to be on your to-do list. Placing a few motion detector lights around your home will keep burglars away and save energy at the same time.

Also keeping an eye for bad electrician workmanship is a must.

6. Create A Home Maintenance Checklist

There’s always something to repair or inspect around the household. According to Fixwerks Home Repairs. a check list of home repairs and improvements will act as a reminder of the household tasks that have to be performed in order for everything to function properly. To make everything easier divide the tasks into monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and yearly checks and repairs. This will help you organise your tasks more efficiently and will save you loads of money on lack-of-maintenance home disasters like burst pipes. Instead of writing everything down on paper, you can use apps for your smartphone like 2DoApp which is suitable for both iOS and Android.

7. Trust An Expert

Everyone needs to enjoy their free time now and then, so take a day off and trust a professional like the Bob’s Handyman Service Team with years of experience to tackle the major home repairs. Thus you’ll be able to enjoy some time with your family and loved ones, go to the theatre or spend a lazy afternoon with a good book or a movie.

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